Worship Ambassadors

Our Worship Ambassadors for 2023/2024

Year 1 - Joshua and Isla

Year 2 – Billy and Ava-Grace

Year 3 – Ethan and Keira

Year 4 – Sienna and Archi-Jai

Year 5 –Paddy and Lexi

Year 6 – Abbie and Jordan

What is our role?

  • Ensuring that collective worship is as good as it can be
  • Making sure the classroom/hall is ready for worship
  • Finding out about the views of pupils
  • Sharing prayers written by pupils in their own class and those written at the prayer table in school.
  • To be good role models during worship.
  • To be actively involved in the planning and delivery of whole school worship

What are we going to achieve this year?

  • Lead prayers throughout the day in our year groups
  • Begin to lead worshipfor the whole school
  • Work with GASP, God@StPeters Christian union group on the delivery of whole school worship
  • Work with Mrs Scattergood and Mrs Wilkes to ensure worship is enjoyable and purposeful allowing pupils and adults to flourish spiritually